What is Booting Process (Power On Self Test)

Booting Process or POST                  (power on self test)

Post to process the action. Component associated with the computer on which the checks. If you are not a device during this process. Or is it not working correctly. The information on the monitor screen with Error Code or Error Beep allows. 

What are Post. Or What Booting. 

When we press the switch on the computer. From then until the process are displayed on the monitor first. The Booting Process or the POST (power on self test) is called. 

The computer runs a lot of problems detected during POST. 

During the post - what happens. Now understand it. 

As soon as we press the switch of the computer. Each component associated with the supplied power supply and allows the motherboard. 

Receiving power from the first micro-processor on the motherboard component that checks all connected. At the end of the motherboard to be checked by a power-good signal from all Kmponet micro processor chip Includes timer. According to which it is known that the micro-processor. Who - who are working with the device or component. Power Good signal to be switched on or around it. From 1 minute to 5 minutes to reach the micro-processor. 

What are micro-processor self-testing process. 

Rome BIOS first performs an active micro-processor. It is the beginning of the final location of BIOS Rome. Rome BIOS then checks whether the connected hardware. BIOS that first checks Rome. 

After setting the input and output devices that are configured according to their function. 

Video RAM BIOS that scans the display. BIOS items one by one checking all parts are complete. 

After this process display on the monitor comes first. And who - Which parts are true or not. Their details are shown on the screen.

During the post if found incorrect or RAM or video RAM and an error beep component will be tarnished by his knowledge tells us that. 

Further Pdie: - 

By beep error detection problem.


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