Operating System Structure
Since the operating system is a large and complex software, which supports a large number of functions. Therefore, the development of operating system software as a monolithic and not as a collection of smaller modules should be. Each of these modules, inputs, outputs and functions should be well defined.Layered structure approach
Layered structure approach, the operating system can be divided into different surfaces, is a method of developing it. Each surface is created on top of the bottom surface. The bottom surface is hardware. The top surface is the user interface. THE structure called the Operating System under the layered approach, there was a batch operating system, which was six surfaces.
Karlen Approach
The operating system kernel approach consists of two separate parts. The colonel called the first part and second part consists of system programs. Colonel, is located between system programs and hardware. Colonel hardware interface to the system is installed.
Virtual Machine
Virtual machine is a concept, which replaces the actual machine generates the illusion of having many actual machines.
The most important aspect is that each virtual machine technology, the user can run the operating system according to your wishes.