Premature senility

Premature senility

Old age comes early to eat more salt. Scientists say that taking large amounts of sodium is 
lost from the cells. This effect is seen most in overweight people. which teens are 
overweight and eat too much salt through Chips etc., the age of the cells in their body
starts to grow rapidly. In the later years in life because they are victims of 
cardiovascular disease. To the lack of salt in the diet, the cells tends to slow down the
aging process.
Agsta Regent University researchers conducted a study in Georgia. Which he concluded that 
the high salt content in food is lost from the body's cells. And these are prematurely old. 
Reduce the amount of salt in food cells slows the aging process. This fact is more effective in people who are obese or who are overweight. It has already been proven that
the protective loops "cromosoms" is called telomeres. And with increasing age they become 
smaller and smaller. The reduction in size can be seen that even then, if the person 
smokes. Performs physical exercise and body fat in the body (fat) is higher.

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