Thumb posts how the image shown in the Google search ratings

With Google's image search on the related post ratings image should appear. And some minor adjustments in your blog template below: Step few easy will be just minutes from the comfort of your blog. Before activating it on your blog, your blog in the Google search to see what kind of links will appear.

Go to Template

=> Log in to your Blogger account
=> Now go to Template
=> Now go to Edit HTML
=> Now Backup / Restore, click Save Template
=> Now in your blog template ]]> </ b: skin> code search
=> The code before the code above things down.
hrecipe{font:1px oswald;}

=> Now in your blog template <body> code search 
=> The code before the code above things down.
<div><div itemscope='' itemtype=''>
=> Now in your blog template <h3 class = 'post-title entry-title'> code sought
=> The new code Replace of the whole code below
<span itemprop='itemreviewed'><span itemprop='description'> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'>
=> Now the whole code </ span> </ span> tag Close 
=> View of the code in your blog template will look something like this:

<span itemprop='itemreviewed'><span itemprop='description'> <h3 class='post-title entry-title' itemprop='name'> <b:if cond=''> <a expr:href=''><data:post.title/></a><b:else/> <b:if cond='data:post.url'><a expr:href='data:post.url'><data:post.title/></a> <b:else/><data:post.title/> </b:if> </b:if> </h3> </span></span>
 => Now the entire code listed below or in your blog template <data: post.body /> section below or post footer to put anywhere in situ

<div class='hrecipe'> <span class='item'> <span class='fn'>Blog Title</span> </span> <img class='photo' expr:alt='data:post.title' expr:src='data:post.thumbnailUrl'/> By <span class='author'><b><data:blog.title/></b></span> Published: <span class='published'><data:post.timestampISO8601/></span> <span class='summary'><data:post.title/></span> <span class='review hreview-aggregate'> <span class='rating'> <span class='average'>3</span> <span class='count'>11</span> reviews </span> </span> </div>
 Now in your blog template </ body> code sought
The code after the code above mentioned below,

 After you complete the process by visiting the link below to see how your blog will look in Google search
I hope the article will be useful for you:-) due to any problems contact via Comment
 Save your blog template .. now paying attention to the process described above, within 1-8 days when Google will be Fetch 0 Reboot your blog . Preview as discussed in the Google search will begin to appear. The request will must wait at least 1 to 10 days  .
google thubnail photo rich

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