What is server and how it works

 What is  DNS server

Today is the era of the Internet, server-based networking is a snap to access the world from your computer to any website. Behind all these things all the services and servers are responsible for what you know about them.
If not, then it means. You are a typical computer user that just means this is just going to work. And that's enough. 

But let us tell you to your information even if you are not in the IT field for you, this information will prove quite beneficial. If you belong to the IT field, then you should definitely aware of them. Keeping these things in mind, today I'm going to give you information about a server. Whose role, meaning that if you are using any sort of network.  Internet system will stop working if the server gets spread. Yes, I grant not wait much longer.
what is DNS
We have the server Domain Name System (DNS) servers are known. Today I will give you detailed information about this. DNS servers in the network is the role of the body and how it works, the DNS server names are also known by the name resolution server. Of any network is responsible for answering Asked Questions.
For example, you write like Google dot com and go to the address bar of your internet page of Google is a front. Are an important part of the DNS.

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