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Upwards of 100 men feasted and wined with on-screen character and grown-up star Sunny Leone as a component of the fabulous finale of Humanity Pharma's Adictiondeo Challenge.

The brand propelled its three-month online challenge on the two variations of the antiperspirant - Greece and Brazil - recommending that 100 lucky victors would get an opportunity to eat, collaborate and know all the more about their most loved star.

The challenge started on July 1 and endured till Oct 8. In the scratch-and-win challenge, the victors were picked consistently and the names were proclaimed on the brand's official Facebook page.
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The terrific finale occurred at The Orchid inn here Saturday.

Amid the occasion, Sunny marked signatures and postured for pictures with them. She said her relationship with Humanity Pharma's Adiction Deo and Manforce condoms has been a satisfying two years.

She said she was "energized" about the challenge and was anticipating gathering these good looking, youthful and certain men who are determined workers.

"Being a piece of this energizing challenge has been one perfect and vital occasion in my life," Sunny said in an announcement.

Discussing the occasion, Rajeev Juneja, President, Humanity Pharma, said they got near to 10,000 sections for challenge.

"We are charmed to offer a remarkable experience to the victors to have a date with the ravishing and shocking Bollywood star, Sunny Leone. We are to a great degree eager to bring this force stuffed diversion party to our clients."

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